First meeting with Dr.Sanbar.

Created by Muhammad 3 years ago

An adorable human being with a personality next to none whom I met back in 2006 in Doha, Qatar. I was so impressed with him that I told him I would never want to do business with him because I liked him so much and I did not want the business to spoil our relation. He was a man whose heart was filled with generosity and kindness and he could make friends with any stranger just be shaking hands. A man who knew how to talk and listen to one and all and was different than anyone I knew and it was a privilege to know him. He had a great sense of humor and loved different cuisines and lived his life king size. I always met him when I visited London and the numerous meetings with him in the hotel lobby discussing different things about business and life and always he was the one to advice and I have learnt a lot from him. He was like an older brother and I will forever be grateful to God to have given me the chance to know him and spend a lot of time with him. God bless his soul and he will be missed.

Muhammad Al Misned.
